Introduction to the Institute
Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies is a non-governmental research institute
that represents civil society
dedicated to the environment since 1993,
which has the longest history among others.
Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies is a non-governmental research institute that represents civil society
dedicated to the environment since 1993, which has the longest history among others.
The institute is a platform that brings together experts/activists/citizens in the environmental sector
to discuss major social issues and seek reasonable alternatives, supporting environmental activities.
We aim to be ‘an institute to save citizens, the environment, and lives with science’.
Our major research direction focuses on saving lives,
addressing environmental issues, encouraging citizens’ participation, and seeking alternatives.
Our institute, which marks its 30th anniversary of establishment, has ramped up efforts to protect Nature’s values
and citizens’ lives in various areas. We have engaged in major environmental issues that our society is facing.
That includes launching investigations and finding alternatives regarding environmental destruction resulting
from large-scale national projects such as Siwha Lake project and the 4 major rivers restoration project, identifying
and making agenda of hazardous chemical substance issues initiated from carcinogenic substances stemming
from incinerators, international solidarity for the protection of the Antarctic, basic surveys and policy suggestions
for biodiversity and ecosystem preservation and activities seeking solutions to environmental problems
that are relevant to citizen science. Major studies and active areas are shown below.
Major studies and active areas
Stream policy monitoring and cooperative measure suggestion
01 Major studies and active areas
Bottom-up policy establishment for streams, supports of stakeholders’ decision-making process set-up and surveys on various governance cases centered on streams and communication improvement
02 Supporting the establishment of a safe drinking water policy
A policy monitoring and network activity support for the safety of drinking water
Transparency Improvement in Fisheries
01 Enhanced fishing monitoring: Making every fishing vessel’s fishing information transparent
Making efforts to introduce electronic monitoring within the deep-sea and coastal fishing areas, electronic reporting on fish caught in coastal fishing areas and a fishing vessel location tracking system to increase transparency in fisheries which is a key part in eradicating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing
02 Fisheries management: Minimization of management blind spots
Monitoring, Control and Surveillance system enhancement to root out IUU fishing and pushing for the introduction and implementation of a fishing licensing system and a marine products history tracking system
03 Port State role reinforcement: IUU fishing eradication starts from ports
Monitoring on the government to check whether it is fully implementing ‘Agreement on Port State Measures (PMSA): An international agreement to prevent, curb and eradiate IUU fishing by preventing foreign IUU fish from entering their country
Facilitation of Citizen Science
01 Identifying citizen science cases with the operation of communication platform
Excavation of grass root citizen science cases that are taking place in each site and regular operation of a citizen science forum that spreads the experiences socially to facilitate domestic citizen science
02 Seeking measures to systematize data for citizen science development
Exploring measures to establish and systematize data by designing and operating citizen science projects
MPA(Marine Protected Area) Expansion
01 MPA expansion in the Antarctic and international waters: Based on the rationale that ocean protection is necessary as there is only one ocean and national managements are absent
Activities for MPA expansions in the Antarctic and protection of marine life as a member of the ASOC (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition) and policy activities to conclude BBNJ (Biological diversity of areas Beyond National Jurisdiction) to protect international waters outside national jurisdiction
02 Expansion of domestic marine protected areas: Making protected areas bigger and protection level higher
Protection and management level improvement for domestic marine protected areas and local connected policy activities for the expansion of marine protected areas
Protection of Marine Mammals
01 Reduction in Incidental catches and prohibition of whale meat distribution and consumption: Neither catch nor eat whale meat
Activities to urge improvement in governmental policies to reduce marine mammal incidental catches and intentional catches related with whale meat distribution and consumption
02 Enactment of Marine Mammal Protection Laws: Uppers laws should be made for the protection of marine mammals
Activities to enact provisional name [Marine Mammal Protection Act] that includes effective protection measures aimed at protecting marine mammals
Prohibition of Harmful Fisheries Subsidies
Monitoring on WTO fisheries subsidies negotiation process to abolish fisheries subsides(oil subsides, etc.) which accelerate the depletion of fishery resources
02Establishment of Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies
01Establishment of Daejeon Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies (Daejeon branch)
01Establishment of Water Quality Environmental Center (Changwon branch)
04Establishment of Jeonbuk Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies (Jeonju branch)
12Establishment of Chungbuk Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies (Chungbuk branch)
0210th anniversary of Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies
0220th anniversary of Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies
04Establishment of Gyeongnam Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies (Gyeongnam branch)
0230th anniversary of Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies
이용약관 | 개인정보처리방침 | 개인정보제3자제공동의 | 관리자페이지
주소 : [03039] 서울특별시 종로구 필운대로 23 | 전화 : 02-735-7034
이메일 : cies@cies.re.kr | 팩스 : 02-6455-3174 | 대표자 : 윤준하 | 사업자등록번호 : 102-82-07232